7 Reasons an Expert is Needed for Your Website
Gone are the days when your nephew could make you a website that “would do just fine.” In the digital age, your website is not only your brand presentation to the world, but also how an incredible amount of business comes to you. You might be asking yourself: How do I know if I need a new website? Or why do I need an expert to work on my website?
Here are our top 7 reasons why you need an expert to work on your website:
1. You’re not on the first page of Google – There is an old saying that the best place to hide a dead body is on the second page of Google search. If you aren’t getting found, then you are not getting business (and it’s much more than just simple SEO).
2. If you hear “Google Penguin,” you think it’s just a cute animal that probably wears glasses -Every time Google updates and changes the algorithms for search results, they give it a cute animal name to distract you from your quickly declining rank. Proper SEO and backend design ensure that you maintain your ranking and business.
3. You think Mobilegeddon is the next film from the guys that made Sharknado – With over 60% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, Google began giving preference to websites that are compliant with mobile design and responsiveness. By not being mobile friendly, your website is ranked significantly lower and you are losing millennial’s business.
4. Your website is not responsive – Screens now come in all shapes and sizes. By making sure your site is responsive enables any of your visitors to navigate and use your website effectively.
5. Your competition has changed their website – Search engines not only give preference to constantly updated websites but so do consumers. If your competition’s website is new and shiny, then it looks even better when compared to yours that has collected dust on it.
6. You haven’t touched your website in a year – Much like fashion design, web design aesthetics are constantly changing and evolving. With a sleek modern design, you are able to catch new potentials’ attention and convert them to your business. Also, it’s about time you took Jim off your staff page; he was fired 11 months ago.
7. You don’t have nor know what an SSL Certificate is – Not standing for Some Stupid Lingo, SSL Certificates are small data packs that allow for a secure connection between web servers and browsers. Not only is is safer for you and your customers, but search engines give priority to websites that have them!
What are you waiting for? You are missing out on business right now by not working with an expert when it comes to your website! Get in touch with us and let us elevate your business!